
Quotes on freedom by Gurudev
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

1) Do not think that you have no freedom. Life is a combination of destiny and free will. There are some things we can change through our actions, and there are some things that we just cannot change and we have to accept them the way they are.


2) There is freedom when you realize that you are just a witness to all that is happening.


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3) True freedom is lightness from within, a genuine smile, and a lack of stiffness. Such freedom will not bring arrogance.

4) Some things are predestined by destiny, but there is some freedom of choice too.


5) Creativity needs freedom, while productivity needs discipline. If you don’t have freedom, you can’t be creative, and if you don’t have discipline, you can’t be productive. So, life is a balance of both – creativity and productivity.


6) If you chant, meditate and do pranayama, your free will and freedom increase.


7) The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now.


8) Shakti (strength), Bhakti (devotion), Yukti (skill) and Mukti (freedom) - You need all four in life.


9) You have to know your children, gently guide and swing with them. Sometimes tighten the reins, sometimes loosen. Put your foot down sometimes, but also give freedom.


10) Freedom without discipline is like a country without a defense.


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