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  1. Yoga for Working Women

    How the downward dog pose can help you juggle boardroom meetings and household chores You may never have seen this job advertisement before but there are millions of women like you who lovingly and devotedly play this role everyday. A tough job! Job Title ...
  2. Enlightenment is to realize that this reality itself is a dream

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 36 Contd. from knowledge sheet 35 “Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va” swapna = dream; nidra = sleep; jnana = knowledge of; alambanam = meditating on, by knowing; va = or “The knowledge of dream or sleep can also awaken you.” ...
  3. Rhythms of Breath Calm the Mind

     Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 32 Contd. from knowledge sheet 31 " Prachchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya'' prachchardana = by splitting (expulsion); vidharanabhyam = by retention; va = optionally; pranasya = of breath "By spl ...
  4. Keep your mind engaged in the thoughts of the enlightened

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 35 Contd. from knowledge sheet 34 “Vitaragavishayamvachittam’’ vitaraga = beyond cravings; vishayam = objects; va = or; chittam = mind “That mind which is free from craving for objects blossoms fully.”- Patanjali Yoga ...
  5. Tree Pose- Vrikshasana

    Vriksha- Tree; Asan a- Posture or Pose The asana is pronounced as VRIK-shAH-sana This posture replicates the graceful, steady stance of a tree. Unlike most yoga poses, the Tree Pose requires keeping our eyes open in order to maintain body balance.   How t ...
  6. Yoga during Pregnancy

    This is the period when your body and mind are engaged in the creation of a new life. It can be a unique and valuable experience. Yoga can help you to have an easier, healthier pregnancy and delivery. Practice slowly and gently and the postures and breath ...
  7. How to achieve the states of samādhi

    Contd from Knowledge Sheet 14 The four types of samādhi that we discussed are vitarkānugama samādhi (the calmness that you get from specialized logic), vichārānugama samādhi (an equanimous state where you are aware of your thoughts, yet they are not distu ...
  8. Meditation Influences the Creation

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 16 Contd. from knowledge sheet 15 "Bhavapratyayo videhaprakrutilayanam" That which is caused by this existence (i.e., you meditating in this level of existence) also influences those who do not have a body ...
  9. Keep the Faith

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 17 Contd. from knowledge sheet 16 "Shraddhveerya smrutisamadhiprajnapurvaka itaresham" By faith, by vigor or courage, by memory of having experienced the Self and through the deep state of equanimity, a sta ...
  10. Freedom from Five Sources of Misery

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 19 Contd. from knowledge sheet 18 Patanjali, in the next yoga sutra, beautifully analyses the fully blossomed state of consciousness. "Klesha karmavipakashayairaparamrushtaha purushavishesha ëshwaraha" kles ...