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  1. Yoga & Meditation For a Peaceful Society

    We all have our take on yoga. Don’t we? Yet when it comes from an advocate of peace, a strong believer and preacher of non-violence, a whole new dimension opens up in front of us.  What does peace in Korea have to do with inner peace? What does stretching ...
  2. How to prevent motion sickness with yoga

    My family loves to travel, especially by road and loves to cruise! As for me, until a year ago, it was a dreaded time! Motion sickness and I were best buddies when it came to car least when I'd be in the back seat...and cruises were the cl ...
  3. Eliminating the Cause of Pain

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 59 Contd. from knowledge sheet 58 If you look into the pleasure or joy that you get in life from the time of birth, they all come with a tax. You have to pay a tax for that and this tax is sorrow. In the next sutra, Pa ...
  4. Meditation beats boredom

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 58 Contd. from knowledge sheet 57 “ Sati mule tadvipako j a ty ayur bhogaha ” (II S u tra 13) sati = if existing; mule = root; tad = its; vip a ko = ripening; j a ti = the body into which you are born; ayuhu = life-tim ...
  5. A journey within with YOGA NIDRA

    Yoga Nidra or "yogic sleep" is an ancient practice which is little known to common people, but is getting a lot of attention due to its therapeutic effects on mind and body. It was spring of 2008 and I was looking for some refreshing yoga classe ...
  6. Yoga And Time Management

    Does thou  love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff  life  is made of. – Ben Franklin Developing into a fully functional adult, for me, has been nothing short of a great adventure. I had moved halfway around the world from home, far ...
  7. Your Five Sources of Misery

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 56 Contd. from knowledge sheet 55 " Sukha anushayi ragaha '' (II Sutra 7) sukha = pleasant experience; anushay i = attraction; ragaha = cravings. "Attraction to pleasant experience results in cravin ...
  8. Yoga- From The Eye Of An Investor

    “Mutual Funds are sub­ject to mar­ket risk. Please read the offer doc­u­ment care­fully before invest­ing”. Aren’t we familiar with the above lines? The disclaimer which finds its place on all mutual fund policies, investment bonds, shares. This is not to ...
  9. Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 55 Contd. from knowledge sheet 54 Ignorance is the root cause of Suffering “Tapaha-swadhya-ayaeshwara-pranidhana-kriya-yogaha”. (II Sūtra 1) This is the kriya yoga or yoga of action. Even while doing an activity, see t ...
  10. Knowing Yoga with Dinesh Kashikar

    (Continued from Part-1- Dinesh Kashikar: Journeying with The Yogi) In the first part to Dinesh Kashikar’s interview, we explored his yoga journey through the years, how it all began, how he started teaching Sri Sri Yoga, and his interests in life. In the ...