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  1. Spirituality at Workplace

    "Lack of spirituality more than religiosity is the root cause of corruption and scams. Nobody is corrupt with their own family. Corruption is happening because there is no sense of belonging. Spirituality enhances the sense of belongingness among peo ...
  2. Cleanliness Counts!

    Continued from last week In ancient days, people would invite the wise ones to their homes or dwelling, and give them food. When the wise ones would accept the food, then to show them gratitude for having accepted their offering, they would make one more ...
  3. Boost fertility with yoga

    Motherhood is one of the most joyful experiences in a woman’s life. Unfortunately, not everyone may get to experience it. Have you been ‘hoping’ or ‘trying’ for your little bundle of joy? If you have, you are not alone. There has been a steady rise in the ...
  4. Adoption of Yoga Way of Life Should Be A Corporate Policy- Part 2

    Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ...
  5. Do I Need to Go to a Yoga Class?

    Technology has made incredible advances and now the age-old science of yoga is just a mouse-click or remote-button away. But hold on! If you are already feeling happy, thinking that it would save you a lot of time and effort in going to a formal yoga clas ...
  6. 30 min of Yoga a Day Keeps Exam Tension Away

    By Hetal Mehta Preparing for exams? Include a few minutes of yoga posture practice and breathing techniques (pranayama) in the daily schedule and reap benefits of a calm and focused mind on the D-Day. A bright young girl, with sparkling eyes full of enthu ...
  7. How to take a Yogic sunbath to boost your Vitamin D

    The human body is a complex machine that requires its daily quota of minerals and other essentials to function properly. With a constantly evolving and hectic lifestyle, it becomes a daunting task to keep a check on these daily essentials. Eventually, we ...
  8. Yoga Boosts Digestion Naturally

    A good digestive system is one of the key pillars of a healthy lifestyle. Physical ailments like constipation, stomach ache, ulcers, acnes, pimples and bloating can be kept at bay if one's digestive system is in a good condition. Important Tips: Avoi ...
  9. 9 Yoga asanas for strong and toned arms

    Strong and toned arms are a dream for many. Arms that you can swing and lift with confidence. But, is there a simpler way to tone those flabby arms? Yes, there is. Yoga offers some simple asanas to get those well-toned arms. For strong and toned arms, you ...
  10. 10 yogic techniques to fight cold and cough

    The chill of winter gives way to the coolness of spring. The summer heat gives way to the monsoons. It’s beautiful when seasons change. But for some, this change comes with vulnerability to cough and cold. Immunity boosting yoga postures Seasonal diseases ...