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  1. Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 2

    Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ...
  2. How corporate yoga will help your business

    Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Imagine walking into an office of grumpy and disgruntled employees on a daily basis. It’s unappealing and d ...
  3. Yoga Nidra – The yogic power nap and why you need it

    Yoga brings deep rest to the body and mind. It not only rejuvenates your mind but also adds vigor to the body. It’s a good idea to end your daily yoga practice with Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep. Simply described as an effortless relaxation, Yoga Nidra is an ...
  4. Sukshma Yoga: The 7- minute relaxation exercise

    Are there days when you want to pull your hair apart, grind your teeth, and tighten your fist? Well, tighten your fist more. In fact, tighten your whole body. Breathe out, squeeze your stomach in, frown and purse your lips together. And now, let go with a ...
  5. Balance Your Body with Yoga

    Are you leaning forward as you read this? Do you tend to put the right foot over the left when you sit? That nagging pain in the neck or back could result from something as simple as using one side of your body more. Yoga helps identify and correct the im ...
  6. Yoga & Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretching them slowly out ...
  7. Yoga For Awareness | How To Keep The Mind Sharp Yet Calm

    You manage to do many activities with full attention, but sometimes there is no mental relaxation. And there are other moments when your awareness seems to have expanded, but the mind is not sharp. Is it then possible to be totally aware, relaxed and happ ...
  8. Yoga helps calm nerves after a fight

    Ways to create a space of calm with yoga Written by Marilyn Galan When a rug is shaken just before a floor is cleaned, all the dust flies up into the air. Taking time away for some gentle yoga allows the dust to clear when one goes through any disturbing ...
  9. Top 10 Benefits of Yoga

    “A disease-free body, a violence-free society, a confusion-free mind, an inhibition-free intellect, a trauma-free memory, a sorrow-free soul and a quiver-free breath is the impact that yoga can make in your life.” Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yoga is not ...
  10. Overcome anxiety with Yoga Nidra

    Meditation is a blessing for those who are troubled with anxiety, panic, endless thoughts, and restlessness. But what if these emotions do not let you meditate at peace? When you are worn out with feeling fearful and anxious all day, the body and mind cra ...