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  1. Meditate for Wish Fulfillment: 4 Ways to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: June  12, 2019 Once you hear about the benefits of meditation, it becomes reasonable to ask, will daily meditation help me? If you’re considering a regular meditation practice, you should know that a recent study showed that ...
  2. Meditation and Mental Health: Here's What the Latest Studies Say

    Meditation, simply put, is a delicate art of doing nothing. Throughout the busy, chaotic reality of our regular days, meditation gives us a much-needed pause to sit in stillness and silence, so that we can get in touch with our real, beautiful, and blissf ...
  3. Daily Meditation Nourishes Your Soul: Find Calm Beyond Chaos

    By Raina Fadel | Posted: July 26, 2019 Modern society, with its technological innovations and ever-changing needs, demands a fast pace. This style of living can take its toll on our well-being, either making us disinterested or less passionate about what ...
  4. Leadership Insights: We all want to rise high- but are we diving deep?

    By Rajita Kulkarni | Posted: September 15, 2018 I began this new year with an incredible treat. I had the chance to be a part of a one week intensive advanced program of deep meditations, profound knowledge & breathing/yogic techniques of the Art of L ...
  5. The Power of Meditation: The Story of Dr. Desai

    When I lived in India, in Andheri, Mumbai, it seemed that mosquitoes were more attracted to me than to anyone else. As soon as I moved into my husband Suresh's house, they chased me wherever I went. It was no surprise to anyone when I became ill with ...
  6. How Meditation and Trust Helped Difficult Children

    For some years I had been working with "difficult" children.  One day, I decided to invite twenty students from school to my home.  The principal and superintendent were reluctant to allow this. My insistence won over their fear, and we set a da ...
  7. Stay Calm in the Eye of the Storm with These Disaster Management Tools

    Disaster strikes. Life is unpredictable. We have all been touched, indirectly or directly, by disaster or unforeseen, unfavorable events.  Having to cope with a difficult hand dealt by life or seeing someone else go through it strikes a chord deep within ...
  8. When modern rockets were born in the court of an intrepid Indian king

    Amazing facts about India Modern rockets are popularly attributed to the American, Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard, in whose recognition  the space research center of NASA in the USA has been named, the Goddard Space Flight Center. However, the earliest  sys ...
  9. How Adishesha’s five heads & Ksheer Sagara have a deep cosmic significance

    Amazing facts about India Narayana is always depicted in a reclining form on the bed of a 5-hooded coiled snake called Adishesha in literature, sculpture, and all other art forms.  Normally, a snake has only one head. Why is Adishesha always depicted with ...
  10. When ancient town planning systems exhibit genius in thinking

    Amazing facts about India The common belief is that the world did not have a structured drainage system until 1800 CE. However, there’s another story in the archaeological Indus Valley sites of the Sindhu Saraswati basin in the North-Western part of India ...