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  1. How to reduce food waste at home

    While addressing the food scarcity issue, our school principal emphasized that we should not waste even one morsel on our plates. Remember, there are hungry children in the world who die without food. It shocked and motivated me not to waste food.  Curren ...
  2. 5 easy meal recipes when you are depressed

    Depression is an energy sapper. It is perfectly okay if you feel like you can’t cook after a depressive episode. Yet the right foods can revive your moods and energy levels. Consider this: Freshly cooked meals energize you, while processed and packaged fo ...
  3. 10 tips to reduce hair fall in winter

    Have you ever felt like not taking a bath in winter due to the chilling cold season? A hot shower can be an attraction for some. But did you know that a hot shower is not good for the health of your hair?  Here are things that are detrimental to our hair ...
  4. 9 foods with high fiber content

    Fiber-rich food constitutes a major segment of diets that health enthusiasts swear by. The importance of fiber in our diet is nothing less than other vitamins, good fats and carbs. Fiber assists in digestion by improving gut health, regulates sugar levels ...
  5. 10 Side-effects of the FAD diet

    I was astonished when I first read “ Gluten-free ” on a food packet. I wondered why such foods are in demand. Discussing this with my friends, I got introduced to several FAD diets. It was thought-provoking to learn that FAD diets are perhaps causing more ...
  6. 5 Smart tips to survive the cold and flu season

    I come from a hot and dry place. For me, Ambala in Haryana is like Shimla, when it comes to chilling winter. It was mentally depressing when I first had an asthma attack. But I was fortunate to be treated by a Ayurveda-cum-Allopathic doctor. He advised me ...
  7. How to eat flaxseeds for weight loss

    Flaxseeds are a superfood. Its anti-inflammatory property and high content of dietary fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamin Bs, omega-3, and calcium make it remedial in numerous illnesses and conditions. It is recommended for weight loss, strengthening im ...
  8. Is walking enough for weight loss? Know the tips and tricks of walking

    I miss Gaushala maidan, Jodhpur, Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, and Prahlad Nagar Garden, Ahmedabad. Do you know why? These are appropriate places for morning and evening walks if you aim for weight loss. They have the 1 km mark to encourage you to ...
  9. Tea from a healthier perspective

    We all love tea. For some, it’s their morning dose of motivation, for others, it is a well-tasting luxury while there are a few for whom it is a health drink. Types of teas ideally come from the Camellia sinensis plant with a few exceptions. Of course, fr ...
  10. How to overcome loneliness

    Scientists say loneliness is as dangerous as smoking and alcoholism. Extended periods of loneliness increase the risk for depression, anxiety, low immunity, and an increase in inflammation. Unfortunately, loneliness has become increasingly common in our d ...