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  1. 20 Yoga Exercises for a Healthy Heart

    Today, there is no age factor that determines heart ailments. People in their 20s are falling prey to heart attacks. Is it because like Atlas, the world is on our shoulders? Is it because we skip our meals and substitute it with convenience food with zero ...
  2. How to get rid of knee pain: Do these 5 knee pain exercises

    Your knees are hard-working shock absorbers. If your shock absorbers (knees) remain healthy, they will sustain a healthy upper body. Many people suffer from knee pain due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, or discomfort from hectic life. Say goodbye to these k ...
  3. 5 yoga poses for constipation

    Constipation has become a common problem. So common that many of us tend to ignore it. But did you know that regular constipation can lead to pelvic diseases and stomach disorders? This makes tending to the problem extremely important. To do, let us under ...
  4. Prevent Swine Flu with Yoga

    With Swine Flu spreading like wildfire, panic amongst people has been on the rise too. To prevent this deadly virus from bringing you down to your knees, it’s important to arm yourself with necessary precautions. Since prevention is always better than cur ...
  5. Detox with yoga for the best results

    Oh no, did I miss your birthday or anniversary?! No? Then, why the cake? Oh, you just felt like it? Most of us don’t need an occasion to gorge on delectable goodies! The dollops of saturated fat and trans-fat entering the body is alarming. There is also t ...
  6. Frozen Shoulder Exercises: Release Tension & Relieve Pain With Yoga

    In this modern age and times, the physical body tends to take a lot of strain and stress from the hectic, daily urban lifestyle. One of the areas that gets most affected from stress and tension is the shoulders. The human body was designed to be a mobile ...
  7. How To Boost Your Metabolism: Yoga Asanas, Pranayamas & More

    Weight loss for some can be fun, and for some a complete nightmare. While some may hit the gym to lose those extra pounds, others may resort to crash dieting and weight loss pills. The urge to lose weight can actually end up doing more harm than good. Whi ...
  8. Allow these yoga poses for lower back pain to heal you

    The lower region of the spine supports the whole body and any malfunction in it due to either an injury or long hours spent working on computers can affect the working of the whole system. It is also said that approximately 80 out of 100 people suffer bac ...
  9. Yoga for obesity & weight loss: A beginner's guide

    Of the many medical conditions that we face due to our stressful lifestyles, obesity is perhaps one of the most harmful one. Defined as a condition where excessive fat is accumulated and stored in the body, obesity is known to increase health risks like h ...
  10. Bid body cramps goodbye with these yoga poses

    Cramps – Those awfully painful and throbbing contractions in the body, which often make life difficult to live – interfering with our daily schedules and often making us bed-ridden! These sharp pains can occur in any part of the body and can often be very ...