
Don’t suffer the pain
that has not yet come

Yoga in the pandemic, how has it helped you?

Dr Vijayabhaskar Somisetty

Yoga including Suryanamaskara and pranayama has helped me to be active, agile, mentally calm and composed. I have also been doing Jalanethi Kriya ( anterior nasal wash ) which I believe helps. 


Your favourite verse(s) of Patanjali Yoga Sutras and how it has impacted your life.

Heyam Dhukham Anagatam .

The Misery which has not yet come is to be avoided.

Best sutra for Covid times. Don't suffer the pain that has not yet come but certainly take precautions and avoid the pain. So don't become anxious about Covid but prepare your body with good immunity and take adequate precautions to avoid Covid. (Social distancing, mask, sanitising , balanced diet, exercise, sunlight, adequate sleep, hydration, etc.) 


Yoga and you - anything yoga-related you would like to write about.

Yoga certainly helps to keep fit both physically and mentally. The body becomes supple, flexible, and pain-free. So does the mind. 


Written by: Dr. Vijayabhaskar Somisetty


A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.