
Meet your true self

Yoga is meditation and throughout the process, if you remain present you will find deep joy and happiness.

Where do I begin? There are so many aspects of this life that captivate me. I guess that is why I can call myself a seeker. I look to seek the truth out of curiosity in my mind. Deep thinking is what I love. Almost everything you come across can captivate you if you are a deep

If you wish to find a deeper understanding, deeper meaning, deeper purpose, and deeper realization, you will be captivated by an array of things that this world has to offer.

The most intriguing to me is the human. The body, mind, soul, spirit, psychology. I can go on and on. It is where all curiosity begins.

Isn’t it so beautiful? The depth to us humans and how if we are present and still enough to look within we find a whole other world? This brings me to think of the one way to build this deep relationship. Yoga. Yoga is so underestimated.

To most people, it is just about stretching, breathing, surface-level exercise, and meditation. This is far from the truth. Yoga is about being present with your body, mind, soul, and spirit. It is about harmony between the outer you and the inner you. It is an awakening. A transformation. It finds you. It is the most effective way to meet your inner self. To find wholeness within you. Yoga is meditation and throughout the process, if you remain present you will find deep joy and happiness.

Yoga has given me a deeper meaning and purpose in life, and by engaging with the Art of Living through yoga sessions, breathwork, and mediation, I have been taught the profundity of yoga. Yoga also brings me closer to my roots as an Indian and ensures that I follow the path
of dharma. I am ever so grateful that I have been drawn to this way of life. My wish is that many more will also be drawn to it. Om shanthi shanthi shanthi.


Written by: Shweta Mahabeer

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.