
Taking a yoga class
in the morning

Lifting and stretching individually the left and right leg (Ardha Shalabhasana) seems to be a challenge for my client after just a few seconds.

A beautiful thought clicks. I think.


If a person lets the desire of losing weight go, or gaining flexibility, or a slim body, and just enjoys the pose with long deep breaths, won’t it become easy to do?

Anyway by doing asanas and yoga, they will get flexibility and a slim body.

But the question is, do we really need to carry that desire while doing the asana also? 


In life, we do the same. Carrying the burden of desire and cravings and leading a stressful life. 

Can't we live a life dropping all of this and trust the plan of the divine.

We will anyway get what destiny has thought for us and what we deserve.

Sometimes even more than that.

Stressing over things that are not in our control will only lead to dullness, non-enthusiasm, sadness and negativity in life.

Let us drop each and every craving and do our every job with sincerity and purity in our heart.

The results will definitely be remarkable.

Yoga is not just about asana and body fitness. It teaches us how to lead the journey of life.

While on the yoga mat, simply enjoy the asanas and then relax.

In life, do the same! Do all jobs sincerely and purely, then drop it and completely relax. Everything else will be taken care of.

Thanks to the person who became an Instrument to acknowledge this.

Medha Gupta Art of Living Faculty

Article by Medha Gupta

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.