Practicing Yoga each day brings valour and contentment needed to truly live life fully

Maharishi Patanjali in his pioneer work “The Patanjali Yoga Sutras', has simplified this complicated life and made it a beautiful journey. Yoga helps us understand our complex minds. By applying certain simple principles given in the sutras one can attain the goals of life.
In the verse, “Yoga Chitta-Vrtti-Nirodhah” Maharishi talks about the mind (Chitta) also known as Mana which is often found in various modulations (Vrttis). These modulations or disturbances take one away from understanding their true nature. When the mind becomes free one attains Samadhi which is nothing but a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself (Nirodhah). It becomes one with the bigger consciousness of which we are a part.
When our inner self becomes aware of these modulations it becomes an observer and watches them come and go without getting impacted by them.
Practicing Yoga has helped me to understand this and stabilize myself during my Sadhna and also in daily life situations. The mind gets stuck with challenges. Yoga helps us to understand them with acceptance and reduces their impact on us. They just become a phase of life that can be observed as ever-changing.
Sharing is caring and what can be a better way than sharing your knowledge. Teaching yoga gives me pure joy seeing how asana practice is helping people achieve their goals. It not only makes me happy but motivates me to do better. Making it a lifestyle change for the good of the people has inspired me to be a teacher.
Yoga has brought a balance in my life and practicing it each day brings that valour and contentment required to live life abundantly.
Written by: Milly Banga
A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.