Sri Sri Yoga Teachers in Australia
We, Girija Krishnaswamy and Suma Venkatesh Kumar, are Sri Sri Yoga teachers living on the East Coast and West Coast of Australia respectively. Just like everywhere else in the world, the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding it has created stress and anxiety in the Australian community. Hence, we teamed up to offer online Sri Sri Yoga sessions to participants starting with 10 sessions of yoga, twice a week, to inject enthusiasm and courage into our lives. What started as casual sessions soon became theme- based as we felt the need to incorporate Gurudev’s knowledge and Patanjali Yoga Sutras and make them relevant and applicable in the daily lives of our participants. Some of the themes we used include yoga as balance, movement, flexibility, strength, awareness, gratitude, contentment, immunity, surrender, and bliss. We are currently in our third batch and both of us are loving the creative process of integrating Gurudev’s teachings & knowledge in our sessions, by identifying more themes.
Our participants are appreciative of what we do and are spreading the word including signing up their partners and coming back to repeat the courses.
Participants speak:
‘The Sri Sri Yoga presentation is very attractive and encourages us to keep going. It is a balanced process to maintain mental and physical fitness, without stress.’ - Chandra.
‘For me Sri Sri Yoga is a tool for achieving good health and happiness. It lifts me up when I need it the most. It is packed with so many options that I can choose any combination of asanas to practice. I look forward to the sessions with the teachers who explain the benefits and provide some valuable nuggets for keep. Thanks to Gurudev for tailoring this for us and also for blessing us to use it to our benefit’ - Geetha.
‘Sri Sri Yoga is a wonderful combination of pranayamas, asanas, and meditation that helps to keep the body and mind healthy. Gurudev and the teachers at The Art of Living have made yoga accessible to people with all levels of abilities.’ - Neena.
‘After this course, I have felt more confident, self-assured, energetic, and focused at work. Learning the asanas and the meditation with the yogic knowledge has felt like learning a completely new way of living for the rest of my life. So much to look forward to.’ - Manvinder.
‘My experience during this course: I feel energetic, calm from inside, and empowered to face the world with the knowledge and wisdom, which is meaningful to apply in our daily lives.’ - Barnali.
A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.