A good night’s sleep briefly gives us relief from worries and fatigue. That’s why sleep is considered an important energy source in our lives. Sleep rests the body and mind, and rejuvenates us for the next day. There are many benefits of good sleep, like increased focus, enhanced efficiency, peace of mind, and a better outlook on life.
However, sleep has become scarce for many in the present day busy and stressful world. The youth of today face issues like insomnia and sleep disorders, which in turn lead to stress and anxiety. While there could be many reasons for it, including succumbing to popular unhealthy lifestyles, lack of sleep can be extremely annoying.
If you are seeking answers on how to fall asleep fast, then these tips may greatly help you.
10 Tips For Faster Sleep
Stay Away From your Gadgets
Cell phones, laptops, e-book readers, and other gadgets release radiations that may disrupt your sleep pattern. It is crucial that you tend to a routine where there is minimal use of these gadgets before you tire out for the day. It could help you focus on your current schedule (to sleep) while keeping you away from distractions.
And if using your gadgets is inevitable, then use them in night mode which lessens the radiation.
Relax Your Mind and Body
While your busy schedules may require you to dress up with a formal suit or high stilettos, remember to wear soft and light clothes before you sleep. Deep breathing exercises and a little stretching could help you shake off that stress and backache from a long working day. These little activities could help you relax and sleep instantly.
Stick To a Bedtime Routine
Have you ever wondered why babies sleep so peacefully? Well, if you feel because they are free from stress, I completely agree. However, that’s not the main reason. They sleep soundly because they are put into a routine. Following a routine helps you discipline your sleep timing and duration, and leads to better sleep quality. If you sleep every night at 9 pm, your hormones will ensure that you feel sleepy at the same time. A bedtime routine also implies prepping up for your night’s rest, by having a bath, wearing light clothes, relaxing with meditation, or reading books. Bath helps lower the body temperature and induces sleep.
Stop Long Napping
People with insomnia usually compensate for their night's rest by taking naps throughout the day, and even while sitting. Well, that can again cause sleeplessness at night and the cycle continues. If you want to fall asleep instantly at night, reduce the number of naps and their duration during daytime.
Read Books
As much as we get entertained by stories of students and how they fall asleep while reading, it is also a calming exercise. Books help you imagine and practice good thoughts while pushing away stress and anxiety. Reading light books (that do not have strong views) could dial down your worries and help you sleep instantly.
Rethink Your Eating Pattern
All our senses are related, and a disruption in one could cause an impact on the other. Eating heavy or unhealthy food at night may lead to sleep disturbances. Food is to be appropriately digested and our metabolism slows down at night. So if you need that good night’s sleep, remember to eat light and right.
Practice Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness can greatly enhance the quality of your sleep. Calm your mind and reflect on your day. Mentally resolve your day’s worries and conduct positive self-talk. Paint happy imagery in your mind like a beach walk, a soft swim, a cool breeze at the mountain top, etc. Such exercises will help take the stress away and allow you to sleep instantly.
Physical exercise and yoga keep the body fit and enhance sleep quality at night. Even 15 minutes of activity that includes walking and running can relax the muscles and work the body to sleep better at night. However, maintain the exercise time and ensure you are not working out right before bedtime as that would prevent you from sleeping.
Write a Journal
Some people find it easier to write than to share. Maintain a journal to release your thoughts and worries and learn how to fall asleep fast. A journal brings down your stress level while helping you reflect on your blessings. It also motivates you and allows you to plan your schedule while taking care of your body and mind.
Say No to the Clock
It is challenging to fall asleep with a tracker. If you happen to get up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, checking a clock would only make you feel uneasy about your sleep cycle. So, set up an alarm according to your routine before bedtime, and do not be tough on the schedule. If you get good sleep, great, but if not, just let go. Because worrying about sleeplessness will give you more sleepless nights. Just try the military method and lie down on your bed, close your eyes, and clear your mind. It will at least give you a good rest, if not a good sleep.
Set Your Pace
The above tips may not work in a day or two, and might require some practice. Also, for people with chronic insomnia, it’s important to not miss out on your prescriptions (if any) and doctor’s suggestions. In addition to all of this, a good sleep environment and light adjustments could help you sleep instantly.
We hold materialistic lives so dearly that we miss out on many aspects like good sleep, better work-life integration, etc. We must remember that nothing is worth our mental peace; not that stressful job, that toxic relationship, or even the insatiable desires. It is important to set our pace our way. The quicker we realize that, the better we can sleep at night.
“Everything is impermanent. Knowing this, just relax.”
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
With the help of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation, you can manage your mind better and enhance your sleep quality. Join us for a free session here.