
Coping in a post-COVID world: How to stay mentally strong in 2021

As COVID-19 slowly makes an exit from our lives, getting back to normal surprisingly seems a difficult thing to do. Mostly because of a distressing past year. The adverse psychological effects of 2020 will continue to trouble us unless we don't make an effort to tend to the wounds of the past and take care of our mental health. Here are some powerful tips that can help you stay mentally strong this year and chase the dreams that you left behind in the beginning of 2020. 

Let us not give up. Not yet.

Let go of the past and find your source of strength & confidence

Let the setbacks of the previous year be where they are supposed to be - in the past, not in your head. They don't indicate a measure of your talent but only about the ever-changing nature of time. Covid or no covid, good and bad times are a part of life. Accept the past as a happening, find your source of inner strength, and look at the future with confidence.

A classic way to find inner strength is to meditate regularly. Meditation decreases negative self-talk and makes you more aware of unhealthy thought patterns. This naturally makes you more positive and confident. 

Don’t beat yourself, instead be kind

When you beat yourself mentally, you weaken your inner source of strength. See yourself beyond your apparent flaws. Understand that sometimes, the universe and your own karma drives you to behave in a certain way. Also, beating yourself will not mend the past and yield any results. However, being kind to yourself will help you emotionally and prepare yourself for the future.

Mental strength means to be able to smile during bad times

Tough times either make us aggressive or depressed. Both proclivities don’t bring out the best in us. They weaken us emotionally and create frustration, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Being mentally strong means being to be able to smile and stay calm during difficult times. Let us strive to nurture that quality in us during these times.

There is a way you can turn the uncertainty into creativity

You don't have to let the uncertainty of these times pull you down. Uncertainty can either make you fearful or innovative. Fear snatches away our confidence and the power to sustain ourselves. While creativity empowers. It can help us achieve things we thought we never could. It makes life an adventure. Not to mention its healing effects: it reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. To turn the uncertainty into creativity, relax and face this period with confidence. 

Worrying is useless & so is comparing yourself with others

Worrying does not change the situation. Nor does comparing yourself with another. It only messes up with your mind and disempowers you to take the right actions required at the moment. Here is a small reality check: Take your memory back in time: a few months ago, you worried, and yet, here you are safe qand sound. Life has a way of taking care of you. Have faith. If that seems difficult at the moment, change your state of mind with:

  • Breathing techniques like pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya
  • Physical activity, be it exercise or household chores 
  • Spending time with nature
  • Engage in creative activities - a piece of art, a new dish or do the same thing differently ¹¹

Know everything is changing 

Your current opinions, thoughts, and emotions, the people and situations around you are continuously changing. Though most of the time it does not seem that way. Our minds fool us into believing that everything is constant. When you recognize the ever-changing nature of our own minds and the world around us, you will feel lighter. If the time is tough right now, this, too, is going to change. 

Turn your grief and fear of losing a loved one into a prayer

Many of us have lost loved ones last year and many of us continue to feel scared for our loved ones staying in different cities. Though it may seem tough, let us turn these emotions of fear and grief into a prayer for strength and safety of our loved ones here on earth and those who have left.

Be brave & reach out for support

So often the fear of being judged stops us from reaching out for help. The worst thing to do right now is to bottle your emotions from the past. Reach out to a friend or even a professional if the need be. If speaking out seems difficult, start writing. Channelize your thoughts and emotions onto that paper. You will feel better. 

Build resilience & creativity with yoga, meditation

Resilience, creativity, and calm are going to be your best friends in this journey of staying mentally strong. Yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques can help you be resilient, creative, calm, and stress-free. ‘How?’ you may ask. By simply connecting you with yourself.

Sail through the post-covid world with your greatest asset: your mind. Tend to your mind in such a way that it serves you as an asset.

Learn tools to keep you mentally strong: yoga, meditation, and powerful breathing techniques taught at The Art of Living Online Meditation & Breath Workshop.

Learn Sudarshan Kriya - the world's most powerful breathing technique