Some amazing facts about dream, sleep & awake state of consciousness. Here are some interesting quotes:
1} Dream the impossible.Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful & unique. Give yourself the freedom to dream & think big.
2} Know that life is a dream & everything will come to an end. With this knowledge, the mind becomes pleasant & intellect becomes sharp.
3} Dream big. Keep your intentions intact, don't worry about any setbacks and keep moving ahead.
4} Life is bliss. If you see this world as a dream, then life is bliss. If you look at life as reality, then it is miserable.
5} Think, plan and dream what you really want. It may not happen immediately but you can achieve that.
6} Hold on to your dreams and one day it will come true.
7} The world is like a dream. If you are stuck to events, you can never see the being. Being is beyond events. So your purpose in life is to realize the being and stick to the being, not to the events.
8} Even if you have broken dreams, don't lose hope! Know that every experience in life always brings something good with it.
9} Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you will wake up to the reality.
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