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  1. Must know Things for Sun Salutation for Beginners

    Are you a beginner to Sun Salutation? You would be curious to know all about Sun Salutation – how to do it right, when to practice it or how many rounds at one time. When we start any yoga posture practice, it is natural to be motivated in the beginning. ...
  2. Types of Food

    Sattvic Food Sattvic foods are those which purify the body and calm the mind Cooked food that is consumed within 3-4 hours can be considered sattvic Examples – Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains and fresh milk     Rajasic Food They stimula ...
  3. Yogic principles of healthy living: Eat your way to wellness

    By Babeeta Chhabra As I sit down to eat the khichdi I made (a light rice and lentil porridge), filled with delightful veggies, topped with melted ghee and ground pepper, I watch the steam rise from my plate in sheer contentment… It is a cold mid-November ...
  4. Yoga and Creativity: Catch the wave!

    Creativity is like the breaking waves at the ocean’s surf. The surfer waits for the right wave and when it materializes, the surfer latches on, riding its crest until the destination. When the big wave of creativity comes in with a rush of ideas, yoga can ...
  5. Yoga for Children: Playing in Childhood’s Sun

    Bringing up a child in today's stressed world that has constant pressures thrown from all sides, is full of challenges for most parents. Yoga offers good solutions to parenting kids and nurturing human values in them. Sharing and caring becomes their ...
  6. Clear your doubts through yoga: use your internal prana-o-meter!

    The quality of your life depends directly on the state of your mind. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if when life throws you curve balls, instead of getting bogged down with uncertainties and questions, you could bounce back fighting stronger than ever? Most of ...
  7. 8 Tips to Improve Your Yoga Practice

    Yoga is a divine discipline. Although it has its root in India’s ancient tradition, yoga is more relevant in today’s modern stressful life. Yoga is now a globalized phenomenon and the knowledge of yoga is easily available to each one of us. It is importan ...
  8. Yoga and Observation: Yoga and the theater of your mind

    With the help of yoga practice, self-observation is like watching a theater play. After practicing yoga asanas and yoga breathing exercises, we can slowly bring our awareness back to a centered, calm state. Sitting down in silence, in meditation with the ...
  9. Sri Sri Yoga Country Coordinators

    Africa National Coordinator: South Africa Aarti Ranchod Email:   Asia National Coordinator: India Chaitanya Medhekar Email: Sri Sri Yoga state co-ordinators in India View Details   National Coordinator: China Myr ...
  10. Sri Sri Yoga Practice

    The Sri Sri Yoga is primarily Hatha Yoga, integrated with other paths of yoga for full blossoming of human potential. In the Sri Sri Yoga, wisdom and a combination of gentle yet effective series of asanas/postures and pranayamas are taught for the well-be ...