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  1. Meditation and the Power of OM: Body and Mind Benefit from Yoga Says New Research

    By Financial Times┃Posted: February 14, 2019 Seated in the laboratory of India’s National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore, I’m wearing a tight rubber cap on my head. Near-infrared light transmitters and receivers are measuring th ...
  2. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation May Relieve Late-life Depression and Anxiety, Says New Research

    By CTV News I Republished: February 19, 2019 People living with late-life anxiety and depression might want to try meditating in addition to medicating, according to a Canadian study. The study, which was recently published in the British Journal of Psych ...
  3. The Secret to Transforming Your Life Right Now: the Healing Power of the Breath

    By Paige Leigh Reist┃Posted: February 25, 2019 Sudarshan Kriya, is one of the most invigorating, powerful, and transformative methods of meditation humanity have ever practiced. It boasts both ancient roots and modern relevance, and its efficacy for treat ...
  4. Why Meditate: 25 Signs For You to Start Meditating for the Next 40 Days

    By Sejal Shah┃Posted: March 01, 2019 Meditation, simply put, is nothing but mental hygiene: clearing out the daily mental garbage and junk so that you can get in touch with your real Self and tune up your talents and skills. Think about it--you shower eve ...
  5. 10 Ways to Use Subconscious Mind for Lifelong Happiness

    By Volunteer Writer | Posted: March 01, 2019 We’ve all had moments of feeling defeated, guilty, frustrated, and unhappy. What happens next? Do we pick ourselves up, happily? Or do we go through our day with half enthusiasm, dread, and negativity? What is ...
  6. The Power of Silence: How It Can Give Lasting Stillness and Alignment

    By Elizabeth Herman | Posted: March 22, 2019 We recently caught up with Philip Fraser, who has been teaching the Art of Silence since the early 1990s, to talk about the power of stillness and alignment. Philip offers his insights on letting go of distract ...
  7. 3 signs of deep meditation: says an expert master of our times

    By Sejal Shah | Posted: March 29, 2019 If you are new to meditation, you may wonder whether it’s working or doing any good for you. But even some experienced meditators have these kinds of questions! Often, meditation can feel like you have taken time off ...
  8. These 2 Tips Will Help You Create the Most Peaceful Meditation Space Ever

    By Paige Leigh Reist┃Posted: April 2, 2019 Meditation can be done anywhere, at any time, but having a peaceful space completely dedicated to expanding and deepening your practice can have an overwhelmingly positive impact on your growth. Luckily, you don’ ...
  9. What do Black Holes and Meditators have in Common? Everything.

    By Shalini Parekh┃Posted: April 24, 2019 I teach meditation and yoga and seek to understand the intersection of the mystical and the cosmos, based on the knowledge enunciated in ancient Indian texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Yog Vasistha and ...
  10. The Power of Silence (Part 2): How It Can Broaden Your Vision

    By Elizabeth Herman┃Posted: April 28, 2019 Philip Fraser has been teaching the Art of Silence course since the early 1990s, and has seen hundreds of people transformed by the program. Recently, we spoke with Philip about his observations, and how the Art ...