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  1. How to teach meditation to your kids

    It has been a tough year for the world.  The next generation will vociferously testify to it. The beginning of the pandemic was marked by canceled exams and early announcements of vacations, an auspicious start in the eyes of most of the student populatio ...
  2. Honey, I miss the lockdown meditation

    The essential post-lockdown guide for every kind of meditator    A few nights ago, I was really excited to attend a global satsang and meditation hosted by children on Zoom. I had bookmarked this event for a few days, and there I was ready, sitting in my ...
  3. 7 Chakras in human body, significance & how to balance them

    What are 7  chakras in the human body? How important are they for us? There are seven chakras or energy centers in the human body through which our vital energy or prana shakti flows. Sometimes, these energy channels get blocked and this leads to illness ...
  4. Meditation for 7 Chakras in Body

    Have you ever noticed that you tend to touch your belly after a delicious meal that has you blissed out? Or that your eyebrows furrow when you are angry? Do you recall that lump in your throat the last time you cried? Why do we subconsciously associate ou ...
  5. A brief introduction to Tratak meditation

    Yoga means the union of the atma (soul) and paramatma (supreme soul).  It is the ultimate goal of human life. It is believed that to begin the process of yoga, one must first purify the body and the mind. In the ancient texts of Hatha Yoga (a branch of yo ...
  6. 11 best 2019 Yoga reads

    Did you know that in 2019, the number of minutes spent globally on the yoga mat is astoundingly high? Believe us, it is A LOT (the trend’s only rising). Also, did you know that there are already over 300 million practitioners of yoga around the world? (Sa ...
  7. The ancient ties between the land of the rising sun & the Indian sub-continent

    Amazing facts about India When the former managing director of Toyota in India, Naomi Ishii said: “Japan has gained more from India across the ages than India has done from Japan in recent times,” the wisdom could have been lost to many. Japan, today, is ...
  8. The unique cultural connection between two ancient civilizations

    Amazing facts about India In today’s world, travel across the globe is ubiquitous. Of course, it inspires adventure, discovery and excitement. Perhaps akin to the ancestors of yore who conquered many frontiers, unaided by the technology of today. Among ou ...
  9. If cosmos has its truth, then what is your truth?

    In his book, ‘Yoga and Vedic Astrology’ author of the 2 best-selling books Sam Geppi has shared insightful, deep and profound knowledge about yoga, Vedic astrology and how a study of these can help anyone in mastering their life vis-a-vis their mind. Here ...
  10. 4 ways how meditation prevents overthinking

    Someone texts you a bad news in the middle of the day. You are sad and you ruminate over it. One thought leads to another and before you know it, you are upset about things that are not even related to the news you received. That was just one example of o ...