
11 best 2019 Yoga reads

Did you know that in 2019, the number of minutes spent globally on the yoga mat is astoundingly high? Believe us, it is A LOT (the trend’s only rising). Also, did you know that there are already over 300 million practitioners of yoga around the world? (Say what!!) It is going to increase by 55 million in 2020 (wow!). Amidst many such fascinating facts about yoga, this one stands out - this 5,000 year old holistic health practice is proven to reduce anxiety, stress, increase core strength,

So if you’re one of the aspiring yoga enthusiasts or already a practitioner and wish to explore more this year then we strongly recommend you take a look at the best of our 2019 yoga reads. These top ranking yoga reads tackle everyday issues which can hamper your goal to achieve holistic health. Now troubleshoot even the smallest health issues and become a yogi.

Top 2019 reads

1. Surya Namaskar: A complete detailed guide for a perfect yoga workout

This is the best holistic workout that can easily be done in a quick few minutes or can be a part of an intense workout. Besides good health, Surya Namaskar also provides an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun for sustaining life on this planet. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence… Read more.

2. Give your skin a breather with these 12 must-do yoga asanas

Skin troubles are for real. There are many types of skin issues and one of the most concerning one today is premature wrinkling. There are many reasons like stress or unhealthy lifestyle practices, and unhealthy food choices, etc. It is not easy to revert back to wrinkle-free skin if it’s too late. Whatever the cause, these yoga asanas... Read more.

3. Breathe free with Jal Neti

Ancient yogic practices have listed many ways to detox the body, breath and mind. One of the ways to stay disease-free is Jal Neti. It is a technique that was used by yogis to stay disease-free, and most importantly to use the breath well for their yogic practices without any blockages. Just how brushing the teeth is dental hygiene, the practice of Jal Neti is nasal hygiene. This technique uses water to purify and clean the nasal path, right… Read more.

4. Yoga for high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is called the ‘silent killer’ and is more dangerous because it displays no symptoms. So, the only way you can find out is by getting yourself checked regularly. Both a high nor low blood pressure is desirable. So, how can you harmonize the two? The answer lies in the ancient science of yoga. By regularly practicing simple postures, yoga… Read more.

5. Yoga for eyes: Improve eyesight naturally

Did you know that other than a few diseases such as glaucoma and cataract, many eye disorders are related to the malfunctioning of the ocular muscles? This is caused by chronic mental and emotional tension. Come to the rescue: yoga exercises. These exercises can help overcome various eye-related problems such as short sightedness and long sightedness. Your digitally-strained eyes will thank you for these simple yoga exercises. 

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6. Yoga: A godsend for pregnant women

Are you expecting? Congratulations! You must be – excited, scared, happy, and overwhelmed? It’s difficult to put your finger on just what you’re feeling, isn’t it? The kicks are delightful, but the cramps are debilitating. You might be glowing with enthusiasm one moment and overcome with emotion the next. You may also experience a fair share of mood swings. This is why yoga is a godsend for you. Yoga provides holistic health benefits for to-be-mothers… Read more.

7. A simple guide on yoga for kidney health

A World Health Organization (WHO) research has found that almost a million lives are lost annually, all over the globe, due to kidney and urinary tract-related complications. Moreover, high blood pressure and diabetes are known to worsen the situation. Apart from the modern medication, natural alternatives like yoga are effective and simple. The best part about yoga is that it is entirely natural and does not have… Read more.

8. Yoga to cure migraine and headache

According to a report by the National Institute of Health, migraine is the 3rd most prevalent and 7th leading cause of disability worldwide. So, if you are a part of this group then it is time to take a step towards natural healing. Start yoga. Yogic postures are a side-effect-free method to fight migraine. Practicing these simple yoga postures for a few minutes... Read more.

9.Top 10 health benefits of yoga you must know

As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving, and enthusiastic you are.” Yoga poses, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. The benefits accrued by being a regular practitioner are numerous. 

Well, we can go on and on, but yoga is an experience. You alone can take that one step to rise higher in your life with this magnificent ancient yogic holistic health routine.  Some very discernible ones are improves health, improves physical… Read more.

10. Super brain yoga exercises to boost your gray matter

Your brain plays a phenomenal role in carrying out daily tasks. Your ability to respond, comprehend, perceive and function well is related to the health of your brain. Most of us do not realize that like every other organ in the body, the brain needs nourishment and energy every day. Yoga asanas, in particular, aid in the better functioning of the human body. Yoga is a science that harnesses body’s innate capability to improve its powers and functioning. It can act as an instant cognitive boost and helps... Read more.

11. Yoga for kids - Poses are better than doses

Picture this: mountains tumbling into head stands. Head stands morphing into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions. Sounds like a CGI movie? Actually they’re nothing but scenes from a normal household where a child plays the lead role! Heavy on drama, kids are also born acrobats. Yoga postures for instance, are natural poses for a child. In fact, simple yoga asanas seem to be embedded in the human body. Children spend most of their time shunting between homework and school activities. Yoga can help children deal with this pressure… Read more.

Hope you have a yoga-ful 2020 and these reads help you discover the yogi within you! If you’d like to know more about the programs or would like to explore our yoga sections, then:

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