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  1. Meditation and Sports Performance

    In sport, as in life, there are tough moments and then there are those moments of glory that make adversities worthwhile. In fact, any sportsperson- especially those at the peak of their trade- will readily agree that the bad days far outweigh the good on ...
  2. How to bounce back from bad grades in maths! Do meditation!

    Mathematics gives nightmares to many. Recent studies suggest that fear of Mathematics may trigger anxiety and boredom in students, which further hamper their academic results. How to overcome the fear of maths? The rising popularity of meditation to impro ...
  3. How Meditation and Breathing can help deal with Panic Attacks?

    Panic attacks can happen to anyone at any time. A cause fuelled by fear or grief leads to panic attacks. For example, you are in the shower and suddenly you remember having left an important detail in an office presentation. You then feel crippled Fear cr ...
  4. 21 spiritual adventures you should have before you turn 30

    By the time you are 30, you have most likely experienced at least one terrible heartbreak, one bad boss, one frustrating job, or a combination. In short, enough misery to make the wise one seek solace in spirituality. In all likelihood, spiritual practice ...
  5. Meditation to break bad habits

    From biting nails to constantly playing around with your phone even when you are with your friends or from bossing around people to procrastinating things, as youth don’t we all have some habits- some common, some peculiar – which we want to break free of ...
  6. The Consciousness as Chitta and Buddhi (Subconscious mind and Intellect)

    This consciousness, which has become the brain, which has become the inner faculties or organs, is of immense power. One thought came in the mind to make a television and that thought manifested as television. All possible advancement in any field today, ...
  7. The Benefits of Meditation

    Since time immemorial, meditation has been used to attain enlightenment. Wise ones have touted it as a means to get rid of misery. Experiences and modern research show that meditation is helpful for life goals as regular and diverse as overcoming a trauma ...
  8. What is Hari Om meditation

    Hari Om meditation uses the science of chakras. The mantra ‘hari om’ uplifts the  energy when chanted and meditated upon. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has designed an easy-to-follow 20 minute guided Hari Om meditation that you can do at any time of the da ...
  9. The secrets of third eye activation & how it transforms your life

    Are third eye, concentration, and focus all interlinked? Did you know that there is an energy center in your body that can enhance your focus, concentration, and also bring up intuitive abilities? You must have heard many spiritual people talk about awake ...
  10. Meditation for Parenting Toddlers: Unfolding Secrets

    I cannot stop admiring her as she takes baby steps in an effort to walk independently. It seems that in no time, she has turned 16 months old. My beautiful yet adventurous journey of parenting has allowed me to capture these moments of a lifetime. At the ...