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  1. How a 21 day meditation challenge can change your life

    Mental health assumed enormous proportions in the year of the pandemic as we all struggled to maintain ‘normalcy’ despite the unrecognizably altered lifestyles. In light of this, the practice of meditation became a source of solace for many in an unpreced ...

    Practicing meditation has shown favourable results in reducing insomnia, craving for addictives, and even averting relapse. It has also been found that people who meditate tend to slow down the rate of cellular and bodily aging. At the body level, meditat ...
  3. 6 simple ways to boost your Emotional Intelligence skills

    We hear a lot about the importance of Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) especially in these pandemic times when Covid-19 has ensured that the whole world is locked up inside their houses. The absence of physical interactions has made ...
  4. Meditation for Kids- 7 Short meditation techniques for children & teens

    How often have you caught yourself looking wondrously at your child, admiring the energy, quickness, and dexterity before you? The pure, raw talent is awe-inspiring. One moment later, you make the inevitable ‘mistake’ of blinking your eyes. And, ironicall ...
  5. 20 Quotes On Meditation That will Change the Way You See Meditation

    Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation.  Being in a state o ...
  6. 20 Quotes On Meditation

    Meditation is the process of going inwards. In this process, we withdraw consciously from all activity and just observe our thoughts and emotions. When the mind becomes still and equanimous, it is said to be in the state of meditation.  Being in a state o ...
  7. Yale & BIDMC independently endorse Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) for boosting mental health of students

    July 2020: Recently, researchers at Yale University and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have independently published research findings stating the efficacy of the Art of Living’s Sudarshan Kriya Yoga technique as a stress management tool.  Wh ...
  8. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  9. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  10. A beginner’s guide on how to meditate

    Meditation is, both, a process and a state of mind.  It is the process of going inwards. It can happen at any point in time – while you sit cross-legged with your eyes closed, while you are staring at a distance while driving, observing a natural scenery ...