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  1. Meditation: Invaluable Parenting Guide

    A mother or father is born when the child is born.At that moment when you take your baby in your hands for the first time, your baby has already stolen you away from the rest of the world. Just his or her mere entrance in your life changes you totally and ...
  2. Meditation: A Binding Thread Between Youth & Parents

    As youth what is it that we ultimately want from our life? Happiness is certainly on the list, right? What is it that our parents want for us? Happiness, isn’t it? So, when we have the same goal, why do we end up having rough relations with them? What is ...
  3. 5 Reasons Why Children Need to Meditate

    Think about it. How often would you tell your children not to study and just watch TV instead? Probably not too many times, right? Why, because you obviously want the best for them. And who other than you would know the best for your child? You always wan ...
  4. Dos and Don’ts of Mahashivratri while observing the vrat

    Lord Shiva or the auspicious one (in Sanskrit), seems to embody contradictory qualities. He takes many paradoxical forms. He is the destroyer as well as the restorer. He is wrathful when furious but benevolent at most other times. He is an ascetic and the ...
  5. Meditation with family to encourage bonding!

    Nowadays, family time is a luxury. Meditation with family is a potent tool to bond with children apart from its profound benefits to lead a happy and healthy life. Meditation is a stress reliever but it can also be a favourite family pastime. Here are a f ...
  6. Simple lifestyle hacks for mild Covid symptoms

    Experiencing mild symptoms of Covid-19? If yes, along with consulting your doctor, there are a few kitchen remedies and lifestyle hacks that can help you. According to the director of AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), Dr. Randeep Guleria, m ...
  7. Dear Infinity series: How to deal with pandemic loneliness

    Hi! I am Infinity. Not just the mathematical concept, you know. More like the endless stretch of the Milky Way galaxy that you see from Earth. Instead, I am more than that: an ocean of wisdom and uncountable human stories that are recording in me every mo ...
  8. List of 10- minute meditations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Meditation brings profound and long-lasting benefits into every aspect of our daily lives. While science has enumerated the many benefits of meditation, bringing it to practice into our day-to-day life can be a bit challenging, what with perennial deadlin ...
  9. 10 ways to become more intuitive

    Do you hear yourself often, ‘only if I were more intuitive’? Especially when you are  at crossroads of life, where you do not know where to go. Or during times of trouble, when you are desperately looking for an answer but your inner voice seems to be as ...
  10. How Sudarshan Kriya & meditation healed Covid-19 warriors

    The power of the breath & a relaxed mind play a large role in healing While the world went indoors to stay safe from the pandemic, thousands of men and women in blue and white fought for the lives of our loved ones. They breathed inside suffocating PP ...