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  1. If you think you knew a lot about games like snooker and carrom, think again

    Amazing facts about India.​ In which Mughal court did playing cards feature?  What was the original name of badminton? (Clue: It’s the name of a place.) Which Indian state inspired the game of polo? (It’s not what you think!) It’s fun to know the story be ...
  2. How I became Hanuman: My life & times

    Amazing facts about India. I was born Bajrang and became Hanuman. Many worship me, yet I worship only one. I didn’t ask the world to hail me. Yet people were kind enough to love and respect a vanara. I’m untouched by the devotion and adulation. Every fibe ...
  3. The footprints of Rama across the world

    Through the ages and civilizations, Rama and Ayodhya have not only been popular for the people of India but have also been inspirational for people across the world. The story of the Ramayana accompanied the ancient Indians who were master navigators and ...
  4. Not gold or silver; Alexander wanted this metal from India

    Amazing facts about India. In 336 BCE, Alexander set out to conquer Persia when he was barely 25 years old. Alexander’s victory over Persia and the kingdoms en route  earned this Macedonian king the name, Alexander the Great. When Alexander the Great turn ...
  5. Why meditate?

    If you look at the benefits of meditation, you will find it extremely relevant and required today. In ancient times, meditation was used for enlightenment- for finding the self. Today, leaving aside enlightenment, if you see social ills: stress and tensio ...
  6. Meditation- then & now

    What is meditation? It was a really long time ago, perhaps not as long as the pre historic age, but at the time when the world’s first scientists (these weren’t like the typical scientists) began by letting their minds become very still. In this quiet spa ...
  7. We love Galileo. But do you know these thinkers?

    Amazing facts about India.  Was there a meridian before the world adopted the Greenwich Meridian?   Was Galileo the first person in the history of our humanity to say the earth is round?   Does the name, Milky Way, have an ancient root? India has always a ...
  8. How meditation can help you resolve conflicts!

    On 28th June 2015, after a series of meetings with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, leaders of the FARC (The oldest revolutionary group of Colombia which was at war with the government for nearly 5 decades) declared that they will adopt the Gandhian principl ...
  9. 5 real reasons why we don't meditate

    Meditation while in common use these days, its meaning can be quite abstract for a beginner. The connotations attached with meditation generally are relaxation, stability, focus, and arguably the word religion as well. So, what really is meditation? “Medi ...
  10. Your Dad Will Thank You for This Father’s Day Gift

    Have you been running pillar to post, unable to zero down on the one gift that is truly unique, something that Dad hasn’t had before yet worth every dime you pay for it? Well, then I won’t say your search stops here. In fact, your search has just begun fo ...