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  1. 6 Surprising & Profound Health Lessons I Learned During Quarantine

    It was week 5 of the lockdown. Life in quarantine was full of promise – of unending tasks. Like the rest of the world, I was neck-deep in household chores and office deadlines. Scrubbing the bathroom floors, while simultaneously doing a mental count of th ...
  2. How To Increase Immunity Against Covid-19 With Yoga Asanas

    Can yoga help me boost immunity? Does it work instantly or is it slow to show the results? Can I practice yoga during the COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus, quarantine? The answer is yes. Regular practice of yoga has shown effective results. Differe ...
  3. Yoga for sports: Benefits for a stronger body and mind

    The clock is ticking. The scores are even. The tension is palpable, as all eyes rest on your every movement, every expression. You can sense the hope, fear, excitement, and expectation in the very air around you. You know you have to drown out the noise- ...
  4. Sun Salutation mantras and their meaning

    The sun sustains life on earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged this and revered the Sun. The Surya Namaskar is an appreciation in motion that is offered to the sun. It involves twelve yoga postures or asanas signifying the sun's cycles which run at a ...
  5. This June 21st, make a promise to yoga

    It is a living entity whose existence is much like the existence of a genie. It appears magically out of thin air upon a call, to help and caress me when I need it. It sways me in its lap like a mother until my worries dissolve into oblivion. It is someon ...
  6. To yoga enthusiasts: challenge yourself with these 5 difficult asanas

    Once during a yoga class, a fellow student asked the instructor about the toughest yoga asanas. This got me thinking about difficult yoga asanas. I started to explore the asanas, and it was interesting that our body has more potential and flexibility than ...
  7. Yoga Workouts For Teens: Benefits For The Growing Mind & Body

    Teenage years are turbulent, with all the hormones raging and mind in confusion. The practise of yoga has shown to help teenagers be more stable and calm through these turbulent years. Yoga quells the fluctuations of the mind, according to the Yoga Sutras ...
  8. 5 Super Brain Yoga exercises to boost your gray matter

    Every day after you wake up, the health of your body sets the tone for the day. Any ailment in the body can put a damper on your enthusiasm and become a hindrance in performing daily tasks. Many yoga asanas can help you stay physically healthy, but that’s ...
  9. Natural home remedies for diabetes

    Managing diabetes naturally According to WHO, 422 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2014, becoming one of the most common diseases of our age. The condition is a result of excess sugar in the bloodstream which further poses risk of damaging vital o ...
  10. 5 yoga poses for constipation

    Constipation has become a common problem. So common that many of us tend to ignore it. But did you know that regular constipation can lead to pelvic diseases and stomach disorders? This makes tending to the problem extremely important. To do, let us under ...