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Is Marriage an obstacle to enlightenment?
If you think it's an obstruction, then it will be. If you think it won't be an obstruction, then it won't be. It depends on you. There are so many people who do seva even after being married. It all depends on the state of your mind. ... -
Is Marriage an obstacle to enlightenment?
If you think it's an obstruction, then it will be. If you think it won't be an obstruction, then it won't be. It depends on you. There are so many people who do seva even after being married. It all depends on the state of your mind. ... -
Can you speak on the new phenomenon in the United States of Gay marriage which has been legalized?
Why do you want to draw me into a controversy? I feel marriage is an individual thing, and whatever an individual feels or likes, is to be respected. Individual’s choice should be respected. God accepts you and respects your choice, ... -
How do I know if me and my partner are right for each other?
Very simple. Just irritate your partner for one week and you'll know. If he or she still loves you, then they are really good for you. One week, don't tell them, just do all that they don't like. ... -
Gurudev, please throw some light on inter-caste marriages. One of my friends is in love with a Muslim girl. Do we really need to follow the caste system in marriages?
See, there are good and bad people everywhere. Many times there are fears that someone should not deceive the other person after the marriage is done. That is why you should also listen to your parents and consult them in such delicate matters. W ... -
Gurudev, can marriage happen between two people belonging to the same Gotra (a term in Hindu culture referring to the unbroken ancestral line of descents from a common male ancestor)?
When I was touring Haryana this time, many scientists and people met me. They discussed very interesting and unique facts about this. They spoke about how they differentiate different breeds of cows and determine the genes a particular breed carries, on ... -
Gurudev, till what extent should one compromise; especially when it has to be with my wife? What if my wife does not listen or understanding?
See, I have no experience in these matters (laughter). How do I tell you this? I would say, you should listen to her and agree, for she is the boss at home! She is literally like the Prime Minister at home. What can you do? You need to find out s ... -
Gurudev, are inter-caste or inter-religious marriages wrong according to Dharma?
No, not at all. It is not the caste or religion that is wrong. It is your compatibility that is important here. Do not go to someone and tell them, “I cannot live without you” when you are in a state of emotional upsurge. If you do so in an ... -
Gurudev, I am getting married soon but I have this one botheration. For the past 6 months I have had many fights with my fiancé and I am not sure if I should continue this relationship.
Now, you stop demanding love from the person. If you demand love or ask proof of their love, you are destroying it. How can someone prove their love to you? You should not burden the person.Suppose, someone asks you every day, ‘Are you hones ... -
Gurudev, I am a Sikh girl and I wish to marry a Jain boy. But my father says that Sikhism is the best religion and that I should not marry outside my religion. He also says that I have betrayed my religion by joining the Art of Living. What do I do?
No, there is nothing like that. Just ask him patiently, why he is in so much ignorance? Ask him why does he misunderstand so many things despite having come to the light of the Guru? It means he has not correctly understood the teachings of Guru Nanak D ...