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Dear Gurudev, I am a farmer and no girl wants to marry me. I have a younger sister and even for her we reject boys who are farmers. When will farmers get respect in society?
First, you start respecting yourself. Don’t think that because I am a farmer, I am not getting respect. Stop asking for respect. Whatever profession you are doing, you respect yourself, and you will see how everybody else does that. ... -
Gurudev, my family wants me to get married but I am not able to find any boy of my choice. I told them until I talk to you, I wont take any decision. I am not finding any good boys.
You have spoken to me now, so go and make the decision (laughter). If you have to marry, speak to the boys, and see who is suitable. You are not able to find any good boys? Does that mean you are very good? Goodness is in everyone, look for ... -
Dear Sri Sri, how to overcome the pain of a marriage break-up and the grief of possibly not being able to meet the daughter ever again?
Meditation will give you the much needed strength. Have the faith that only the best will happen to you in the future and move on. Sudarshan Kriya will help tremendously. ... -
My partner cheated on me. When I confronted him, he says, ‘You do not possess me'. What to do in such a situation?
It is a very tough situation. I have no experience, how can I give you any ideas or suggestions? But I understand your predicament. You know why they cheat on you? It is because they value your love and are afraid of losing your love. Whenever so ... -
Gurudev, there are many divorces happening in India nowadays. Please give some tips to men and women to stop this.
To the men I would say, do not attack the emotions of women. Women are emotionally inclined, respect their emotions. Don’t sit like in olden times and dictate or lord over them; respect women. To the women I would say, don’t attack a ... -
Gurudev, how do I find a life partner? I feel I’ve tried everything with no luck. What do I do differently?
Well, I’m not an expert in this. You have to ask this question to somebody who has been in many relationships and finally got someone who they are happy with. They will give you their expert advice.One thing I would say is, if you’re looking for a p ... -
Dear Gurudev, please say something about in-laws. Nowadays, people hate their in-laws.
Yes, this is a very common thing. In India, we had a program with about 20,000-25,000 people. I usually say that anyone who comes to the ashram should leave their worries and problems here, and go back home with a smile.One lady said, ‘My prob ... -
Dearest Gurudev, it is possible to restore trust in a relationship after a partner cheats? How to get past a cheating partner?
I can tell you one thing, suppose you were in your partner’s place and you made a mistake; not willingly but unknowingly, or due to some compulsion. If your partner does not forgive you and holds it against you, how would you feel?Get into you ... -
Dear Gurudev, I have a very nice person as my partner. I feel that I am not good enough for my partner and I am not fulfilling the expectations kept from me. Is marriage really made in heaven? Am I being cursed with love?
You are wondering why you got married! It’s a little too late for that! It is better not to spend time regretting.Marriage is a compromise and you have to compromise. You know you have a very nice person as a partner. Just imagine what you wou ... -
How do I live with a husband who is a mama’s boy? How and when does a man switch from being a devoted son to also being a husband and a father?
See this from a long term perspective. What would you like your son to be?Do you want your son, as soon as he gets married, to be only a good husband and good father and stop being a good son? This is a question in front of you. If you answer this qu ...