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  1. Please talk on the subject of divorce. When is it a good thing? Or is it always to be avoided?

    Now, I have no experience on this.You should ask yourself, have you put your 100% to make the marriage work? Have you done all that you could to please your spouse and make them happy, and still it has not worked? Marriage means ...
  2. Gurudev, please guide on how to bring spouses who oppose the path onto the path.

    That is a big test.Do you know why your spouse opposes your path? Let us analyze this! Let's think about this.1. Maybe your spouse is very attached to you and wants all your attention, and when your attention is elsewhere, they don’t l ...
  3. if our parents come first, then why do people become Sanyasis (one who has renounced the material world)?

    See, it is an individual’s choice and a matter of personal interest when choosing a particular lifestyle. It is not a compulsion for everyone to become a Sanyasi. Neither is it a compulsion for everyone to get married and have children. ...
  4. Gurudev, I have a girlfriend and we truly love each other and want to get married, but she is Manglik. My parents are against our marriage because of this. Please tell me what to do.

    Look, if your parents believe in this and they have a strong feeling for it, then as you sow, so shall you reap (meaning: what you believe in, is what will bring the outcome).But if you say, 'God is beyond all that, and I ha ...
  5. Gurudev, love is a divine quality. It is said that love can liberate us, but it is seen that love actually binds us. Marriage is also seen as a bondage. So how can this bond be beautiful?

    When there is no selfishness in the relationship then it is beautiful. If there is willingness to sacrifice in the relationship, then it becomes beautiful. Look at the relationship of Shri Ram with his brother Bharat. It was such a strong bond but both ...
  6. Gurudev, love is a divine quality. It is said that love can liberate us, but it is seen that love actually binds us. Marriage is also seen as a bondage. So how can this bond be beautiful?

    When there is no selfishness in the relationship then it is beautiful. If there is willingness to sacrifice in the relationship, then it becomes beautiful. Look at the relationship of Shri Ram with his brother Bharat. It was such a strong bond bu ...
  7. Gurudev, love is a divine quality. It is said that love can liberate us, but it is seen that love actually binds us. Marriage is also seen as a bondage. So how can this bond be beautiful?

    When there is no selfishness in the relationship then it is beautiful. If there is willingness to sacrifice in the relationship, then it becomes beautiful. Look at the relationship of Shri Ram with his brother Bharat. It was such a strong bond but both ...
  8. Gurudev, I am 28 years old and I feel very depressed and sad when guys reject me from a marriage point of view. Nobody sees my inner beauty, and spirituality is becoming beautiful on the inside. What is the point in becoming beautiful inside when people judge from outside?

    Never mind, they’re not a match for you. They’re at a much lower level, just judging you from the outside. You’ll find someone really good who can understand you. You shouldn't be depressed about it. No. If you know your worth, som ...
  9. Gurudev, they say marriages are made in heaven, but why after this heavenly arrangement, does hell start on Earth?

    Contrast. Knowledge comes in opposition. Just like a baby cannot be created by one person, hell also cannot be created by one person. Whether heaven or hell, it needs two to create it. ...
  10. I am very much confused about the caste system in our country. I belong to a Brahmin family from UP and I am in love with a person from a different caste. My father is opposing this. What should I do?

    You weigh the pros and cons. If your marrying is causing a huge turmoil and disturbance in the family and people are crying, wailing, yelling and creating a huge drama, then take a call on it and decide whether it is worth all that. Or make them underst ...