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  1. Gurudev, I want to be honest with my parents about my sexuality. Yet my fear of losing their love and support has been stopping me from being honest with them. Do I need to be compassionate and not burden my parents? Please guide me to a solution.

    You don’t have to label yourself as gay or a lesbian. You don’t need to put on a label. These are tendencies which come and go. You should label yourself as Divine light. This label is much better than putting a label about your sexuality becaus ...
  2. Are all relationships based on previous karma?

    Yes. Do you know, sometimes a soul who wants to come into the world, it picks up one man and one woman and then creates such an attraction between them. So these two people come closer, and the moment they have the first child, suddenly all the love d ...
  3. Gurudev, in life those people who don’t get along well are hitched together while those who get along really well are not paired together. Is this the plan of the Divine? Is he doing this on purpose?

    You mean about your marriage? You know, when you don’t get along, you forget all those days when you got along very well. Because those days, you didn’t get along, you feel, 'Oh, from the very beginning, we never got along.' An American couple who ...
  4. Gurudev, what is the significance of the wedding ceremony? If two people love and respect each other, can they just make a decision to live together?

    Marriage ceremony is a commitment. You live together with a commitment. When there is a commitment, you have full trust in each other. One aspect of your life is set. That is what is marriage. Otherwise, the mind keeps looking for a partner. In marria ...
  5. I am going through a separation. My wife and I have chosen different paths and live different lives. We both want our child to be with each of us. In this situation, what is the wisest thing to do?

    The child should be exposed to both paths, and allowed to choose. If there is no understanding between the couple, it is definitely a strain on the child. What both parents should keep in mind is that they should not go on blaming each other in f ...
  6. What is the secret behind making a marriage work?

    I think you are asking the wrong person! There was a gentleman here from Germany and a lady from Italy. Both of them had married several times before. They came here and said, ‘Gurudev, we want your blessings. At least this marriage should work.’
  7. Gurudev, my family is falling apart and I am worried about my two children. The relationship with my spouse is becoming bitter with mistrust and misunderstanding. I need your advice.

    Certain rough times come in life, just have patience. Don’t be in a hurry to take any decision. At times of dire confusion and conflict you should have some patience. ...
  8. Gurudev, I feel so alone in this world. How can I find my soul mate to live with and share all the joy of life?

    I am thinking of opening a matrimony site here in Germany and Europe as well. May be you can take this seva. You can start this. We will start Sri Sri Matrimony. There are many men who want to get married, who are in the same boat as you ...
  9. What do you think about dating websites? Is it a good way to find someone special?

    Well, you know, I only speak based on my experience. I don’t know about this. In this field, I am an alien! You ask someone around you. This is like going into a grocery shop and asking for gas. You go to a garment shop and ask for a suitcase, it ...