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Gurudev, my elder brother got married a few years back. Now, he says just like how the TV is controlled by a remote, similarly a wife is controlled by currency notes. These days, to maintain a wife has become a costly affair. What is the remedy for this?
Listen, you will have to do it. There is no way out. If the maintenance cost is high then put in more effort. ... -
Gurudev, is marriage a relationship or bondage? If it is a relationship, why does it feel like bondage and if it is bondage, how do we make it a relationship?
It depends on how you look at it. If you hold each other’s necks, it will feel like bondage. If you walk together, shoulder-to-shoulder with each other, it will feel like a support. So be a support each other, be a companion and move forward. Be life ... -
Q: Guruji, should one marry a pretty girl or an intelligent girl? Out of the two, whom should I choose?
Okay, why did you assume this? Do beauty and intelligence not go hand in hand? Is there only one of the two? If that were the case, I would say, intelligent is better. Beauty comes and goes, but intelligence stays. But don't think both cannot be together. ... -
Gurudev, You have told us to love everyone. In the bargain what has happened is everyone has started loving me. Now it has become very difficult to choose one partner. What should I do?
Well, I leave that challenge to you. Let me watch what you are going to do and whom you are going to choose. You choose somebody or somebody chooses you, let’s see. But don't delay for too long, okay! A gentleman was 62 years old and came to me a ... -
Gurudev, I love a boy from another religion. His parents are okay with it, but my parents are strongly opposing it. What should I do?
Take some time to decide. There is no point in angering and upsetting your parents. Best is when there is harmony; doesn't matter what religion, but harmony is very important. Later on, you should not regret, 'Oh, I subjected my parents to so much sufferin ... -
Gurudev, people say that love is the union of two hearts. Then why is there a need for marriage? Is it to please society?
Once two hearts unite in love, they don’t want to stay apart and that is called marriage. When they live together, they multiply into three, four or five hearts! Those three, four or five hearts need the two hearts; hence the institution of marriage came i ...