Spine Care

Say bye-bye to back
pain this Yoga Day!

Pratibha Sharma Posted: 17th of Jun 2022

Do you wish to enjoy the evenings playing with your children, or be an enthusiast escaping your office cubicle for a tennis game? But something holds you back. Is back pain the culprit?

Back pain is a major public health issue that has reached epidemic proportions today. However, the good news is that yoga intervention can correct back pain issues. It is sustainable prevention and cure for spine problems.

On this Yoga Day, soothe this pain and don’t whine about spine issues anymore!

What does the research say about yoga for back pain?

In the development of the integrated yoga therapy module for chronic low back pain (CLBP), the facts suggest that yoga helps with back pain.

  • Yoga asanas have emerged as one of the complementary and alternative therapies for CLBP.

  • It indicates that yoga may be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for CLBP. 

  • The strongest and the most consistent proof has emerged for the benefits of yoga on functional disability.

Beginners may start with simple yoga asanas for back pain relief. When you are awake but still want to be in bed, practice Marjariasana (Cat stretch), Shishu asana (Child’s pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) and Happy baby pose. The morning tightness in the body gets released. The spine feels supple. The lower and middle back releases tension and gets energized. 


Roll open your mat and embrace the goodness of yoga for a healthy spine. You may practice the Hasta Padasana (Standing forward bend) and Pashchimottanasana (Seated forward bend) for warm-up of your lower and upper back, respectively. Beginners can start with Uttanasana (hand reaches thighs, shins, ankles, or floor) and then aim for Hasta padasana (hands under your feet).

Align your spine. Remove Back pain

Padma Sadhana 

(To know the in-depth meaning of the sequence and stepwise instructions to practice, please visit our video on Padma Sadhana. To learn tips to deepen the effect of the series, please visit our blog Padma Sadhana)

Padma Sadhana, designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is a series of gentle yet powerful yoga postures that has an impact on the whole body. Muscle relaxation and strengthening happen when practiced with a long hold in each posture with deep Ujjayi breaths. Padma Sadhana helps release pain and brings relaxation to the upper, middle and lower backs.

These following asanas, which form a part of Padma Sadhana, flow from one to another, with each asana complementing the preceding one. Let us have a look at the benefits of each posture in relieving spine-related problems.

Body rotation: Sitting on the half or full lotus pose, rotating the upper body to stretch the lower and middle back.

Ardh shalabhasana (Locust pose) and Purna shalabhasana: Increase flexibility and strength of the lower back.

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose): Strengthens the back and shoulders. Improves flexibility of the middle back to relieve pain and stress. Expands the chest and  thus, enhances the flexibility of the upper back.

Viparit shalabhasana (Superman pose): Stretches, strengthens and tones your lower back muscles. It gives massage to the spine to make it supple.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose): Stretches and strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles. Keeps the entire back flexible.

Naukasana (Boat pose): Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.

Ardha pawanmuktasana (Half wind relieving pose) and Purna pawanmuktasana: Strengthens the entire back and abdominal muscles. Improves blood circulation in the hip joints and soothes tension in the lower back.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand): Beginners may start with Setu bandhasana (Bridge pose) and proceed with Sarvangasana. Both help in strengthening your spine. It can even cure back pain if done regularly with the correct technique. Setu bandh asana strengthens the middle back.

Natrajasana (Lord of the dance pose): Stretches and tones the lower back and abdominal muscles. It makes the spine supple. A variation of this pose is the Jathara parivartanasana (Two-knee spinal twist pose). The knees and feet together are lowered to one side at a time. This asana encourages movement in the spine.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting half spinal twist pose): It alleviates fatigue and back pain. The twist releases energy in the spine and back. Beginners can start with Vakrasana (Twisted pose) and gradually move towards Ardha matsyendrasana. In the twisted asana, keep the leg straight on the floor.

Parvatasana (Mountain pose): It pulls the spine upward, giving a stretch to the entire back.



Padma Sadhana practitioner Suma Pathapati shares, “I used to experience hell with lower back and stomach pain during my cycle. It was Padma Sadhana practice that rescued me.”

Padma Sadhana is one of the main elements of the Dynamism for Self and Nation program.

Remember to relax after the asanas with yoga nidra meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

A takeaway on this Yoga Day

Make these asanas your daily regime to prevent back problems in life. You will be amazed by the physical feats your body can perform. What better day to start than Yoga Day!

Practicing Yoga helps develop the body and mind, yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is essential to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a trained Yoga teacher. In case of any medical condition, practice yoga only after consulting your doctor and a Sri Sri Yoga teacher.

Reference links

Integrated yoga therapy module for chronic low back pain - Research Gate

Yoga as a treatment for chronic low back pain - National Center for Biotechnology Information

Related link

Yoga for back pain relief, Quickly! Be free from back pain with All Direction Back Stretch!

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The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. The organization operates globally in 152 countries and has touched the lives of over 370 million people.

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