
Search results

  1. Why meditate?

    If you look at the benefits of meditation, you will find it extremely relevant and required today. In ancient times, meditation was used for enlightenment- for finding the self. Today, leaving aside enlightenment, if you see social ills: stress and tensio ...
  2. Meditation- then & now

    What is meditation? It was a really long time ago, perhaps not as long as the pre historic age, but at the time when the world’s first scientists (these weren’t like the typical scientists) began by letting their minds become very still. In this quiet spa ...
  3. We love Galileo. But do you know these thinkers?

    Amazing facts about India.  Was there a meridian before the world adopted the Greenwich Meridian?   Was Galileo the first person in the history of our humanity to say the earth is round?   Does the name, Milky Way, have an ancient root? India has always a ...
  4. Your Dad Will Thank You for This Father’s Day Gift

    Have you been running pillar to post, unable to zero down on the one gift that is truly unique, something that Dad hasn’t had before yet worth every dime you pay for it? Well, then I won’t say your search stops here. In fact, your search has just begun fo ...
  5. I delivered a beautiful baby but…I am depressed!

    How meditation can help you overcome your postnatal depression Congratulations! Your baby is so cute. I can’t imagine how proud and happy you must feel! Thanks. Everyone seemed to miss the listlessness in Vaishnavi’s (name changed) response. Perhaps they ...
  6. Meditation for women: Take a break housewives!

    Om Shanti to Home Shanti 6 am – time to wake up; 7 am – getting kid ready for school; 8 am – making breakfast; 10 am – finishing household chores; 12 noon – making lunch... Does this routine sound more or less familiar? It might to many of us housewives f ...
  7. 5 secrets of meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Why do we need to meditate? What are the ways to meditate? How can we meditate successfully? What are the different types of meditation? What are the secrets of meditation? How do you prepare yourself for meditation? All the questions above have one unbel ...
  8. 9 natural ways to be free from PCOS

    You are bound to go through a roller coaster of emotions. Acne, obesity, hypertension, facial hair, irregular periods, sluggishness, and hair loss make a regular appearance in your life. And let’s not talk about the rising craving for sweets. It is true t ...
  9. Daily Meditation: Q&A On Your Practice

    “I used to get agitated at little things around me,” said 25-year-old Suneet, adding, “Over time, I have found myself become more patient. I don’t lose my temper as easily.” He attributes this change to the regular practice of meditation for a few months. ...
  10. How to get rid of karma through meditation

    What does karma mean? The literal meaning of karma is action. It is said, strange are the ways of karma. The more you understand it, the more amazed you become. It brings people together and also separates them. It causes some to be weak and some to be st ...