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  1. 4 Steps to Re-Awaken your Self-Esteem

    In her novel ‘The Bluest Eye,’ Toni Morrison wrote about a girl who was not happy with her looks. She wanted blue eyes, but she had black ones. She wished she could have a comfortable home, but she had an unhappy one. Her weak self-esteem only worsened wi ...
  2. How to stop Overthinking with Meditation

    Overthinking is Problem for Many We all admire thinkers. Einstein, Plato, Archimedes, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, William Shakespeare. These intelligent, innovative, and intuitive people changed the ways of the world with their impactful thinking. Howeve ...
  3. Secret of getting new year resolutions fulfilled

    The untold secret of getting new year resolutions fulfilled The new year is the time of feisty fervor, new beginnings, and hopes for a better future. An integral part of the eve is resolutions- many of which are broken sooner or later. Studies show that o ...
  4. How meditation is useful for manifesting your desires

    Every action first begins in the mind. If you intend to drink water, you get up to fetch a glass of water and drink it. There are some intentions that you can follow through easily. Some face a lot of obstacles to manifest. And some do not manifest at all ...
  5. Meditation for increasing positive energy: How it works

    Sometimes anything negative, be it a complaint or an argument, has hardly any effect on you. And at other times, even a constructive criticism can blow things out of proportion. Have you ever wondered about this? No, it’s not the effect of the movie you j ...
  6. How meditation is effective for feeling abundance

    If only I had his brains… If only I had their artistic game and grace… If only I had her poise and looks… We all wish we had something that we don’t have at some point of time in life. That is normal. Yet, have you ever thought that you, already, have eve ...
  7. Meditation for dummies: The complete guide

    For a long time, the word ‘meditation’ meant a yogi sitting on a mountaintop with blue clouds overhead. Recently-discovered benefits of this ancient practice suggest that meditation is so good- it can't be left to renunciates only! Benefits include i ...
  8. What comes first? Mindfulness or Meditation?

    Want to live life to the fullest? Without regrets or guilt? It is possible, by being mindful or aware. Mindfulness is nothing but meditative awareness. And to understand the essence, one has to experience meditation. Meditation is a technique which helps ...
  9. Find out how to save your child from the Blue Whale danger

    In this digital age, it is difficult to keep children away from social media and Internet games. By the age of 6 or 7, most kids own a mobile phone. They are spending over 3 to 4 hours online daily. These statistics are shocking. We live in a world that i ...
  10. Here’s how you can have better decision-making abilities

    The task to make important decisions in a short time not only seems difficult, but it also brings a momentary halt in our life. There are numerous decisions that we make – big and small – often, but the moment we realize we have to make a decision, we are ...