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  1. 6 Wonderful Reasons why Meditation is useful in weight loss

    Weight loss is an act of immense courage, commitment, and willpower. Anyone who treads this path wishes to achieve the desired result. It involves breaking of several habits and patterns. Sometimes, despite all the hard work, things seem to be moving slow ...
  2. Meditation: A budget-free retreat for you

    Holiday. Vacation. Trip. These words are almost everybody’s favorite. The resolutions made year after year to go on frequent trips is a dream life. The dream holiday is a package of lavish hotel stay, riding around the destination, eating scrumptious food ...
  3. 12 natural tips for glowing skin

    We are made up of both, matter and spirit. This means that our skin, more than just being the visible outer layer, is full of life and activity. It is an organ, like any other part of our body, and needs to be kept healthy and nourished. However, beauty i ...
  4. 5 crucial personality traits that meditation can bring in you

    “When you have inner peace, then you automatically succeed in what you do. The more silent you are from inside, the more powerful your thoughts and actions become.” ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar We get so caught up in the complexities of our busy lives t ...
  5. 10 tips to improve your focus

    At a time when everyone, including strangers on the internet and digital entities like social media ads, is fighting hard for your attention, staying focused is a challenge. Our digital lives coupled with stress, anxiety, low energy levels, and fatigue ha ...
  6. Meditation for a Healthy Mind

    Our mind the essence of our being. The faculty that perceives the world of our senses and makes us feel alive. What are we without our mind? Flesh and blood. Our perception, experiences, feelings, and the ability to think and act are all processed by our ...
  7. Happiness Starts With Y

    Everybody knows that happiness starts with 'H'. 'Yappiness' doesn't really make much sense, does it? This is pretty much the challenge we face with being happy. We think it starts in our life when we get all of mom's attentio ...
  8. How to Concentrate on Studies

    Are you trying to learn how to concentrate on studies? This blog covers some of the best natural ways to increase focus and concentration through yoga, meditation, and other ways to help you stay focused and calm during your study sessions. Learn how a fe ...
  9. 6 tips to go deep into meditation

    You may have been practicing meditation regularly but have you noticed that at times, when you sit to meditate, your mind seems to take get tangled in your world of thoughts? Learning how to meditate is the first step, however, to have deeper experiences ...
  10. Running After A Thing Called the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide

    Everthing’s perfect. The room is quiet, devices are on silent mood and you’re easing into the lotus posture, ready to get into the world of meditation. A dim memory of a bill payment looms up, out of nowhere. Was it due today? No wait, it’s not until four ...