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  1. I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism

    “Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev And it is well known that meditation brings more love in people’s lives. While counter terrorism operations and other security enforcement measures will continue at one level, the benefits of meditation should ...
  2. I Meditate Africa: Spirit of Volunteerism

    “We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given." – Gurudev.  This is most likely the reason to why in this fast paced word, despite busy schdules, more and more young an ...
  3. Meditation connects body, mind & spirit to increase productivity

    The pressures at work can be endless. It can be meeting deadlines or dealing with clients or challenging colleagues. Add to this list overtime issues, and the pressure to increase productivity. There is a need to make the most of your skills. You also hav ...
  4. 5 Ways to Make Meditation More Fun

    Yes, we’ve heard a lot about meditation. And yes, its an important practice in our daily lives. I know, I know - it must be done daily to experience the benefits more. Yet, sitting everyday for twenty minutes with eyes shut is a little tough and as I’d li ...
  5. Anti-aging yoga tips to feel younger

    Aging is an inevitable natural happening. For the curious ones who want to know how to stay young, consider the practice of yoga, meditation, and ayurveda. These are the natural ways to maintain the health of the body. Here are some anti-aging tips from t ...
  6. Start your day better with these 6 simple tips

    Good morning. This is my favorite greeting to start the day. I have always loved the morning sunshine and I want to make an honest confession here. I am someone who loves waking up early, opening the curtains and gaze out at the sunlight. And yes, on some ...
  7. How To Boost Your Metabolism: Yoga Asanas, Pranayamas & More

    Weight loss for some can be fun, and for some a complete nightmare. While some may hit the gym to lose those extra pounds, others may resort to crash dieting and weight loss pills. The urge to lose weight can actually end up doing more harm than good. Whi ...
  8. The 1-2-3 Of Meditation

    Have you noticed yourself when you’re ‘pinging’ your friend on the phone? Your fingers just fly off the keypad and before you know it, you’ve written your thoughts real-time. Texting someone on your smartphone is almost like a reflex action. 1,2,3 and you ...
  9. 5 Tips to Handle Stressful Situations at Work

    “Stress is too much to do, too little time, and no energy,” quotes Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. During our course of day, we are all encountered with these sudden bursts of stress to manage with. A sudden ad-hoc assignment, an emergency to attend to or a ...
  10. All You Need to Know About Meditation When You Tried Everything

    You chance upon this poster in the mall during the weekend. Or maybe your manager recommends you for a program, or a friend enrolls you on this course. Your partner practicing this regularly stokes your interest for it. Whatever the exact cause, your vari ...