
A new restaurant
in the Pandemic

My small, new business and my mental health both took a hit in the first wave. By the second wave, I had made my mind so strong that it only affected my business, not my creative will to succeed.

Viraj Naik

In January 2020 I started a restaurant and received an unbelievable response. I can say the best response. When everything was going very well, in March 2020 the lockdown was enforced. We could never have imagined or anticipated such a thing. All of a sudden, everything stopped for me and everyone. I invested my thoughts, my hard work, my money, and everything in my restaurant but suddenly I was stuck in the middle of an ocean and I didn't know which way to sail to get safely to the shore. I was feeling anxious, all negative thoughts were crossing my mind. While I was also running my recipe YouTube Channel (Viraj Naik Recipes), it wasn't monetised at that time. I was doing outdoor shoots at that, so that stopped as well me to Covid-19. I have always been known for my temper and the impact of the pandemic made me angrier. I used to shout at my kids, my parents, and my wife, and later regret it. Then my wife told me to practice yoga. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me and I felt, 'Yoga se kuch nahi hoga', 'Nothing is going to improve from yoga". But somehow I continue practicing it. After a few days, I began to see positive changes in myself. I started focusing more on solutions rather than the problem. I took my phone and started indoor shoots for my recipes. I even edited it on my phone and a month later my channel got monetised. 


I started taking food orders in our neighbourhood. The response was good and I got busy. I soon found myself working all the time. All the negativity in me was gone, and I saw a new self, who was calmer, and not angry at all. I felt very focused and very positive and these changes happened because of yoga, pranayama, and meditation. 


My love and interest in yoga increased day by day and I started exploring more of it. I became aware of the mistakes I had made in the past and focused on not repeating them. In fact, my parents who used to counsel me to control my anger are also very happy and noticed a big change in me. 


Due to the pandemic, I never relaunched my restaurant but a few months back I started a shop where people can buy good quality, healthy dry snacks, made without maida. The second wave affected this business too. However, it did not affect my mind or my plans this time. I knew that this too shall pass. 


Thank you Art of Living and every person connected to yoga for helping people like me. Thank you. I wish everyone good health and happiness


Written by: Viraj Naik

A little note: As community conversation facilitators, we believe in giving an individual the autonomy of expression. The views expressed in this piece are the author's own.