Search results

  1. De-stress with Guided Meditation

    From Sound to Silence Meditation Looking for a few quiet, refreshing moments during any busy and stressful day? This guided meditaion will help you de-stress yourself in just a few minutes. Outcome: ' A refreshed you', ready to resume your work ...
  2. Partner With Us- CSR

    A Valuable Social Commitment Our impact is vast. We have successfully completed many projects advocating self-reliance, which have benefited millions of people. With the commitment from technical and financial support collaborators like you, we can accele ...
  3. Peace

    Sri Sri addresses a peace conference in Kurdistan, Iraq in November 2014. Read more Integrated Peacebuilding Training for Social and Peace Workers in Beirut. Know more “Stress and tension are the root cause of violence,” says Gurudev. When stress is relea ...
  4. Meditation

    Meditation is that which gives you deep rest The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and serene and at peace, meditation happens. The benefits of meditation are man ...
  5. Vision: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's vision of a violence-free, stress-free society has expressed itself in numerous service initiatives that have inspired volunteers worldwide to carry these forward with his guidance. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder ...
  6. Key Addresses

    Spreading the message of love, compassion and non-violence, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar tirelessly advocates harmonious co-existence among people. His universal and simple message is that love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and distress. Through his ...
  7. The Art of Living Part 2 Program

    The Art of Living Advanced Program usually offered in residence and provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing profound rest and inner silence. This program builds upon the Sudarshan Kriya breathing te ...
  8. Sri Sri Yoga

    Sri Sri Yoga- Path to a stress free body and mind Sri Sri Yoga celebrates the diversity in yoga in a simple and joyful manner. We combine yoga essentials: breathing techniques, stretching, yoga postures, meditation, relaxation and yogic knowledge. By inco ...
  9. ત્રિકોણાસન

    મોટાભાગના બીજા આસનો કરતાં ત્રિકોણાસનમાં શરીરનું સમતોલન રાખવા માટે આંખો ખુલ્લી રાખવાની હોય છે. ત્રિકોણાસન કેવી રીતે કરવું સીધા ઊભા રહો.તમારા બંને પગ આરામદાયક રીતે (આશરે ૩.૫ થી ૪ ફૂટ)એક બીજાથી દૂર રાખો.. તમારા જમણા પગના પંજાને બહાર ૯૦૦ વાળો અને ડાબા પગના પં ...
  10. સૂર્યનમસ્કાર અને તેના ફાયદા

    સૂર્ય વગર પૃથ્વી પર જીવન શક્ય  જ ના હોત. અને એટલે સૂર્ય નમસ્કાર સૂર્ય પ્રત્યે  કૃતજ્ઞતા વ્યક્ત કરવાની રીત છે—જે આપણા પૃથ્વિ ગ્રહ પર તમામ પ્રાણઊર્જાનું મુખ્ય કારણ છે. સૂર્ય નમસ્કાર આપણા ઋષિમુનીઓ દ્વારા નિશ્ચિત કરાયેલા ૧૨ આસનોનો સમૂહ છે. જે શરીર,શ્વાસ અને મ ...
Displaying 41 - 50 of 196